This post is painful just to write; remembering back on this day makes me cringe.
So I'll give you just a brief rundown... We had been contemplating moving back to Spokane for some time now and although the idea was out there we really didn't make up our mind for sure until like 3 weeks before we were to go... crazy? yes, I am aware! Being off of school, I was home everyday with nothing better to do than pack. So I packed the majority of our apartment. Joel's mom, Ann, came down to visit and helped us pack and move as well which was a huge relieve.
Now this is the painful part, we (and by we, I mean Joel) decided that it would be best for us to get everything packed up during the day on Thursday so that we could get on the road as soon as possible. Sounds like a great plan right? Not so much, we had a few friends who had agreed to come over after work to help us move and doing it during the day would mean that we would be moving it by our self, down 3 flights of stairs, in the middle of the day, in the heat of the Arizona summer, brilliant I know!
The 3 of us, had a pretty sweet set-up where Ann brought all the boxes to the top of the stairs. Joel brought them to the bottom of the stairs and then I carried them to the truck. We sold a lot of our big furniture on craigslist prior to moving so it mainly was a lot of boxes. It seriously was one of the longest days of my life and there were moments where I thought I might die from heat exhaustion but thankfully we made it and will never have to do that again!
After scrubbing down the apartment and having the carpets cleaned we didn't really have a place to sleep so... (enter brilliant idea #2) we decided to get in the truck and begin our journey. So after working all day, non stop in 100+ degree weather, we got in the moving truck to begin our 12 hr. drive to my parents house in Westpoint, Utah. Keep in mind Lucy has been along for this entire adventure and is very confused by everything but did so well as we were driving. Around 6:00 am, Joel and I both were so exhausted so we decided to just pull over for an hour to sleep. As luck would have it, Lucy decided this would be a great time to wake up...devil dog! We ended up sleeping in shifts so one of us could walk around outside with Lucy. This trip was pure madness but we did survive and surprisingly still even liked each other when we arrived in Spokane 3 days later :) HOORAY!
We are excited to be back in Spokane but will definitely miss all of our family back in Arizona :) Especially these little guys...